Caution When Dropping Unused Indexes on an Azure SQL Database

Index Maintenance is an important aspect of database health. Above and beyond regular index rebuilds and reorganizations it is important to understand the usage of the indexes on your database. Cleaning up unused indexes can save a lot of overhead on Insert/Update/Delete operations. To achieve that goal, I typically run a script like the one shown below and check out whether or not an index has had any seeks or scans against it as a starting point in my cleanup regiment. SELECT,        OBJECT_NAME(i.[object_id]) AS [ObjectName],        i.[name] AS [IndexName],        s.user_seeks,        s.user_scans FROM sys.indexes AS i    … Continue Reading

What is Azure SQL Database Serverless?

What is Azure SQL Database Serverless? When I hear the term serverless my mind gets confused. How can a database exist without a server? Azure is a cloud platform, is my database just floating in the air? No, I am not really thinking that, but still the word serverless can be hard to understand. So, let’s walk through what it is. Serverless is a term commonly used for function as a service patterns like Amazon Lambda, or Azure Functions, where you have a piece of code that is called and executed without you deploying any infrastructure. Azure Logic Apps are… Continue Reading