Keep It Simple Stupid

Some of us take days and weeks to write a blog, while others can take two minutes and write a great blog *cough* *cough* Denny (B|T). Why is that? I think it’s simple, we are thinking to hard about it and over complicating things. Just sit down at your computer and write what’s on your mind. It doesn’t have to be rocket science or something completely mind blowing or life changing. I’ve seen several, as of late, crowd source their next topic, I think this a great avenue to take as it is those people that are likely your readers.… Continue Reading

Understanding Columnstore Indexes in SQL Server Part 3

My last two blogs were on understanding columnstore and creating columnstore indexes. In this post, I will touch on one last topic, when to use columnstore indexes. As noted in my prior posts these indexes are designed for large data warehouse workloads, not normal OLTP workload tables. As with any index design it is important to know your data and what you will be using the data for. Be sure to look to what types of queries you will be running against it, as well as how the data is loaded and maintained. Let’s look at a few questions you… Continue Reading

Understanding Columnstore Indexes in SQL Server Part 2

In my last blog I explained what a columnstore index is, in this blog, we will dive into creating a clustered columnstore index and look at the performance differences the index can make. Let’s get started. Using AdventureworksDW2016CTP3 we will work with the FactResellerSalesXL table which has 11.6 million rows in it. The simple query we will use as a demo just selects the ProductKey and returns some aggregations grouping them by the different product keys. First, we will run the query with no existing columnstore index and only using the current clustered rowstore (normal) index. Note that I turned… Continue Reading