Change Azure SQL Database Service Level Objectives in SSMS

Sometimes as a DBA, I am lazy and want the ability to execute all of my tasks in one place. Lucky for me I discovered the other day that I can change my Azure SQL Database Service Level Object options within SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) without ever having to go to the Azure Portal. By right clicking on your database properties and choosing the Configure SQL page you can change your Subscription and Azure Location. Even more and what is really cool is I can also scale up and down my Edition (which is generally referred to as Service… Continue Reading

Caution When Dropping Unused Indexes on an Azure SQL Database

Index Maintenance is an important aspect of database health. Above and beyond regular index rebuilds and reorganizations it is important to understand the usage of the indexes on your database. Cleaning up unused indexes can save a lot of overhead on Insert/Update/Delete operations. To achieve that goal, I typically run a script like the one shown below and check out whether or not an index has had any seeks or scans against it as a starting point in my cleanup regiment. SELECT,        OBJECT_NAME(i.[object_id]) AS [ObjectName],        i.[name] AS [IndexName],        s.user_seeks,        s.user_scans FROM sys.indexes AS i    … Continue Reading