Hmmm… What’s This? Date Correlation Optimization in SQL Server

OK So, I am doing some digging and peaking around again in SQL Server and came across a database option called Date Correlation Optimization Enabled = False. Honestly, I had no clue what it did, so I took it as a learning opportunity to look into it and do a little research. Who knows, it may actual help me solve one of the many problems I run into day to day for clients. Syntax ALTER DATABASE DEMO    SET DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION ON; So, What Does It Do? According to MSDN – The DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION database SET option improves the performance of queries… Continue Reading

VLFs the Forgotten Foe

How many of you check the amount of Virtual Log Files (VLFs) your transaction logs have? Working as a consultant now, I see this as something that is often ignored by DBAs.  This is an easy thing maintain and yet so many don’t know how to. Keeping these in check can give you a performance boost not only on startup but with your insert/update/delete as well as backup/restore operations. SQL Server performs better with a smaller number of right sized virtual log files.  I highly recommend you add this to your server reviews. What is a VLF? Every transaction log… Continue Reading

TIL: Microsoft Azure Part 2

Last week I started a multi-part series on Today I Learned (TIL) about Microsoft Azure.  This is part two of what I am learning in Azure. Today’s topic is simply about Tenants, Subscriptions, Subscription Roles, Resource Groups, and Tags. It’s Always Good to Start with Pictures Here is a glimpse of how these topics relate. I will define and explain each below. What is a Tenant? In simplest terms, a Tenant is container for multiple subscriptions. An example of two subscriptions would be Azure and Office 365. They would be owned by one account, an individual or a company. A… Continue Reading

Run Book, Run!!!

How many of you actually have a “Hit-by-the-Bus” handbook? What is that, you ask? It is a document that explains how to execute all your jobs and SSIS packages. In addition, I preference mine with all key elements someone might need, like where passwords are stored, architectures, backup times, where are backups stored, etc… then dig into the job steps. The purpose of this document is so that someone with some SQL skills could step in if needed. You never know when you will be hit by a bus or win the lottery and someone has to take over for… Continue Reading

Hide and Group Columns in SSRS Using a Parameter

Ever had users come to you and request another version of a report just to add another field and group data differently? Today, was such the day for me. I really don’t like have multiple versions of the same report out there. So, I got a little fancy with the current version of the report and added a parameter then used expressions to group the data differently and hide columns. For those new to SSRS I’ve embedded some links to MSDN to help you along the way. Current Report The report gives summarized counts by invoice date.  It currently has… Continue Reading

Back to Basics: Why not parameterize?

I think sometimes those of us that have been doing database administration/development for a while take it for granted that everyone knows the basics. One such basic is parameterizing stored procedures. This allows us to potentially consolidate multiple stored procedures into a single procedure.  It’s as simple thing to do that many don’t. I try to parameterize as many stored procedures as possible. This not only minimizes the amount of procedures I need to maintain, it in my opinion is a much cleaner way to code. It disturbs me when I see multiple stored procedures that pull the exact same… Continue Reading