Filtered Index Basics

In this post, we continue with another beginner’s blog of database features that may be unknown to many. Let’s take a look at filtered indexes. Many database administrators are fully aware of the power of indexes and know how to create them. However, I find that some have yet to dive into fully optimizing their indexes and taking advantage of what filtered indexes has to offer. What is a filtered index? Simply it’s an index with a where clause. It is an optimized non clustered index that can be narrowed down in scope to better fit a subset of data.… Continue Reading

DMV’s for the Beginner

I give performance presentations at many different events to all levels of SQL Server professionals. Over time I’ve noticed that some DBAs and developers have never looked at the dynamic management views (dmv’s)  that are available within SQL Server starting with SQL Server 2005. These DMVs are useful means to determine what is going on with a particular SQL Server instance. So, in this post I am going to list a few of my very favorite DMVs as a reference for those who may be new to them. Performance Tuning These dynamic management views are what I use first when… Continue Reading