Replication Max Text Length

Ever seen the below error? Until this week I hadn’t. So, I figured I’d take a little time and introduce it to those that had not. Error Description: Length of LOB data (65754) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum 65536. Use the stored procedure sp_configure to increase the configured maximum value for max text repl size option, which defaults to 65536. A configured value of -1 indicates no limit We ran into an issue with a customer this week, this error was flooding the error log. After a little digging I found it had to do with transactional replication (also… Continue Reading

Respectfully Responding

I typically don’t write opinion posts, but given recent events I thought it was important to follow up on one of my tweets. Last week, I tweeted about  Stack Exchange and my thoughts on the lack of respect in the responses to those who take the time ask questions in forums. I had many people ask as to what I was referring to specifically, including some Microsoft employees. My response was (and still is) that I don’t believe in mob reactions or smearing anyone’s name and chose not to reveal the details. My reason for posting that tweet was just to remind those in… Continue Reading

How to get started with Always Encrypted for Beginners Part 4: Change is Coming

A few weeks ago, I wrote Part 1, 2 and 3 of this series, which was a beginner’s guide to Always Encrypted. In part 4, I am going to talk about the changes that are coming in vNext of SQL Server. As I discussed in part 3 there are many roads blocks the can stop the implementation of Always Encrypted (AE). In the current available versions of SQL Server 2016 and 2017, along with Azure SQL Database, the cost of using AE was way too high for many companies. There are so many code changes needed to implement AE that moving to it is… Continue Reading